Passenger Seat Driver

This year we decided to vacation within the USA rather than vacationing somewhere abroad.  Last year we upgraded from our Sprinter Travel Trailer to a Class A motor coach and it seemed like the perfect idea.  We read many brochures Continue reading Passenger Seat Driver

Camping on a tent or an RV…

Years ago we took interest in camping.  We love the outdoors and it seemed logical to pack a tent, a few things and go camping exploring the many beautiful parks in New York State.  We thought we get a small Continue reading Camping on a tent or an RV…

All Roads Lead to Fun ….West Virginia

A few months back we accepted an invitation that changed our lives forever.  For many years I had heard Lori reminiscing about “brother” and every so often I would hear them talk on the phone. I knew he lived in Continue reading All Roads Lead to Fun ….West Virginia